Day: December 1, 2020

Join Us for a Three-Part Series on Goal-Setting

As 2020 winds down and we gear up for 2021, many people are going to set goals or resolutions for themselves. Oftentimes, this is how that conversation with ourselves about a familiar goal or resolution often goes:

ME: What do I want to change next year?
BRAIN: I want to be healthier.
ME: Yes, be healthier. That’s a good goal. I’m going to be healthier next year.

What does “be healthier” mean though? To different people, it’ll mean different things. There are a lot of aspects to being healthier. Do I want to lose weight, eat better, exercise more, increase my doctor’s visits for checkups, improve my social interactions, read more, attend church more, reduce stress, or many other possible things? All of these things could result in improved health in one of the three areas of ourselves – mind, body, and spirit.

To help you set better goals for 2021, we’re providing a three-part mini-series on goal-setting. Each new video will be available beginning at 8 am on December 1, December 8, and December 15. After watching all three short videos, you’ll have a goal or goals and be ready to achieve your dreams in 2021!

Here’s what we’ll cover each week:

  1. December 1 – Understanding Our Values
  2. December 8 – Prioritizing Our Many Goals
  3. December 15 – Creating SMART Goals

We hope you’ll join us each week!